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Algebra is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of structure, relation and quantity. Elementary (highschool) Algebra provides an introduction to the basic ideas of algebra, including effects of adding and multiplying numbers, the concept of variables, definition of polynomials. Algebra is much broader, algebra covers working with symbols, variables and set elements. Addition and multiplication are viewed as general operations, and their precise definitions lead to structures such as groups, rings and fields. The research program of Algebra Research Division ITB covers the fundamental research with emphasis on the development of the theory of module with categorical approach, and the applied research with emphasis on the application of algebraic structures in control system, cryptography, coding theory and other areas. Workshop on Teaching Algebra and Workshop on Research in Algebra are organized and held annually in alternating since 2011. Algebra Research Seminar is held weekly, as an opportunity to exchange ideas between young algebraists.

Seminar Aljabar

Kelompok Keilmuan Aljabar dan komunitas Matematika FMIPA ITB akan mengadakan Seminar Aljabar secara hybrid pada: hari, tanggal : Senin, 8 Agustus 2022 waktu : 09:00-12:00 WIB tempat : Gedung CAS lantai 5, Ruang Seminar 5.1 (offline) Zoom meeting (online) Meeting ID: 937 6374 9276 Passcode: 175000 pembicara : 1. Prof. Dr. Indah Emilia W dari […]

Algebra Seminar 2021

Algebra research group of FMIPA ITB will conduct Algebra Seminar virtually via zoom meeting on Wednesday-Thursday, 11-12 August 2021, 10:00-17:15 Jakarta Time about some relation between Groups, Probability, Graphs, and Matrices and locally recoverable codes and quantum codes from metacirculant graphs. The details are given in these posters below. Please fill this form to register […]

Visiting Professors since 2008

Professor Gilbert Strang, MIT, USA, January 3th 2008. Professor Hidetoshi Marubayashi, Tokushima Bunri University, Japan, January 3th-7rd, 2008. Professor Cristodor Ionescu, Institute Mathematics Romanian Academy, Romania, July 29th 2008. Professor Michel Jambu, CIMPA, February 3th 2009, August 1st-11th 2011. Professor Patrick Sole, Paris Telecom, July 24th 2009. Associate Professor Gonzalo Aranda Pino, University of Malaga, […]

18~19 Jan 2018: Two Days Workshop on Groups and Graphs

18~19 Jan 2018: Two Days Workshop on Groups and Graphs

The Workshop on Groups and Graphs was held by Algebra Research Group on January 18th-19th, 2018 at Institut Teknologi Bandung. This material was presented by Professor Ahmad Erfanian from Department of Pure Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Professor Ahmad Erfanian is an expert in group theory and also algebraic graph. At least 450 researchers […]

Publication since 2005

International Journal  P. Astuti and H. Wimmer, Characteristic invariant subspaces generated by a single vector, Linear Algebra and Applications, vol 470 (2015) 81-103.  P. Astuti and H.Wimmer, Characteristic subspaces and hyperinvariant frames,  Linear Algebra and Applications, 482(2015), pp. 21-46.  P. Astuti and H.Wimmer, Hyperinvariant subspaces of locally nilpotent linear transformations,  Linear Algebra and Applications, 486 (2015), pp. 469-474  A. Barra and H. Gluesing-Luerssen, MacWilliams Extension Theorem and The Local Global Property for Codes over Frobenius Rings, Journal of Pure and Applied […]

10~18 Nov 2014: SEAMS School

The South East Asian Mathematical Society initiates the SEAMS School of Mathematics as a series of intensive 7-day workshop. The purpose of this school is to provide opportunity for undergraduate as well as master students to have an advanced learning experience in mathematics, and to introduce a research-based learning. The Algebra Research Group ITB and […]

5 Sept 2014: Professor Claude Cibils from Universite de Montpellier

A talk by Professor Claude Cibils from Universite de Montpellier on “Algebra Seminar” with following details. Date: Sept 5, 2014 Time: 13.30 – 14.30 Place: Ruang Rapat Gedung Matematika Labtek III ITB (ITB, Labtek III Mathematics Building, Ruang Rapat) Title: Hopf Algebras and Hopf Categories Abstract : Barry Mitchell considered “rings with several objects” (Advances […]