Institut Teknologi Bandung
We aim to bring leading mathematicians to explore the role of mathematics from various fields in an engaging style. These distinguished lectures are aimed at a fairly wide audience, from mathematics students (advanced undergraduate and postgraduate), to mathematicians, lecturers, scientists, researchers and engineers. With this series of lectures we hope to foster and promote research culture and celebrate mathematics.
The Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Edy Tri Baskoro Nuning Nuraini Novriana Sumarti Khreshna I.A. Suhada
Rino Simanjuntak Yudi Soeharyadi M. Intan Detiena Erma Suwastika
Rudi Kusdiantara Yusuf Hafidh Marianik Defita
Denny I. Hakim M. Ridwan R.N.
Year 2022 :
Universality in Probability Theory
Professor Sir Martin Hairer (Imperial College, London)
Career history
Imperial College London.
The University of Warwick.
01/2010 – 04/2014 FULL PROFESSOR
The University of Warwick.
01/2009 – 01/2010 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
New York University (Courant institute).
The University of Warwick.
09/2006 – 09/2007 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
The University of Warwick.
The University of Warwick.
10/2003 – 10/2004 ADVANCED FELLOWSHIP (from the Swiss NSF)
Mathematics Research Centre, University of Warwick.
10/2002 – 10/2003 POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP (from the Swiss NSF)
Mathematics Research Centre, University of Warwick.
November 2001 PHD IN PHYSICS – University of Geneva.
October 1998 MSC IN PHYSICS – University of Geneva.
July 1998 BSC IN MATHEMATICS – University of Geneva.
June 1994 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA – Coll`ege Clapar`ede, Geneva.
Honours and awards
• 2022 King Faisal Prize
• Foreign associate of the French Academy of Sciences (since 2022)
• Foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (since 2021)
• 2020 Breakthrough prize
• Foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2018)
• Knight Commander of the British Empire (KBE; honorary since 2016, substantive
since 2019)
• Honorary degree in science from HKBU (2016)
• Member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (since 2016)
• Member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (since 2015)
• Corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (since 2015)
• Fellow of the AMS (since 2015)
• 2014 Fields medal
• 2014 Fr¨ohlich prize
• Fellow of the Royal Society (since 2014)
• 2013 Fermat prize
• 2009 Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award
• 2008 Philip Leverhulme Prize
• 2008 LMS Whitehead prize
For further information and list of publication, see here
Abstract : Some objects in probability theory are “universal”, i.e. they arise naturally in in many different, only rather loosely related, contexts. We will discuss some of these objects and try to give a glimpse of some of the progress made over the past years towards their understanding.
Registration :
Problems in Population Dynamic Modeling of Wild Species
Professor Edy Soewono (ITB, Bandung)
Modelling with Noise
Professor Marta Sanz-Sole (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
April 1978 Ph.D. in Mathematics, Universitat de Barcelona
Advisor: D. Nualart
October 1969- October 1974 Degree in Mathematics (equivalent to B.Sc. and M.Sc.),
Universitat de Barcelona
1986 – Now Professor, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
1983 -1986 Associate Professor, Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
1979 -1983 Associate Professor, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)
1974 -1979 Assistant, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Visiting Positions (longer than one month)
2016 Institut de mathematiques d’analyse et applications, EPFL, Lausanne, CH
2012 Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli, EPFL, Lausanne, CH
2010 Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK
2007 Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden
2007 Universite Henri Poincare, Nancy, France
2006 Centro di Recerca Matematica Ennio de Giorgi,
Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy
2004 Universite Paris I, France
2003 Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne, Switzerland
2001 Universita degli Studi di Padova
1997 Mathematics Science Research Institute (MSRI),
Berkeley, CA, USA
1991 Laboratoire de Probabilities, Universite Paris VI, France
1990 Universite Angers, France
1989 Universita di Messina, Italy
1988 Universite de Clermont-Ferrand II, France
1987 Center for Stochastic Processess,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
1984 Laboratoire de Probabilities, Universite Paris VI, France
Research Interests
Random Fields, analysis on the Wiener space, stochastic differential and partial
differential equations.
In particular: Malliavin calculus and its applications to SPDEs, large deviations,
sample path properties, rough path analysis approach, support
theorems, numerical approximations, potential theory.
For further information and list of publication, see here
Registration: (Closed June 30th 2022)
The Quantum Computer – A Miracle or Mirage?
Date/Time : Tuesday, August 9th, 2022
14.00 – 15.30 (Western Indonesian Time, UTC+7)
Speaker: Professor GIL KALAI
Reichman University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Registration (FREE, closed August 8th, 2022)
Abstract: A quantum computer is a new type of computer based on quantum physics.
When it comes to certain computational objectives, the computational ability of
quantum computers is tens, and even hundreds of orders of magnitude
faster than that of the familiar digital computers, and their construction will enable
us to factor large integers and to break most of the current cryptosystems.
The question of whether the quantum computer is
a miracle or a mirage is, to this day, one of the fascinating clear-cut
open scientific questions of our time.
In my lecture I will explain the question and the discoveries from
the 1990s that suggested that quantum computers could perform
miracles. Next, I will present my theory as to why
the quantum computer is a mirage, and describe some consequences
for noisy quantum systems in a world devoid of quantum computation.
Past Events
Year 2021 :
Discrete geometric analysis is a discrete version of geometric analysis. In the digitalized society, how we understand phenomena in the physical world via their realization in the cyber world. Discrete geometric analysis aims to bridge between continuum and discrete, and to understand the hidden phenomena in discretized data. In the lecture I would like to share with you my study to develop discrete geometric analysis and its application to materials science.
Discrete geometric analysis is a discrete version of geometric analysis. In the digitalized society, we need to understand phenomena in the physical world via their realization in the cyber world. Discrete geometric analysis aims to bridge between continuum and discrete, and to understand the hidden phenomena in discretized data. In the lecture I would like to share with you my study to develop discrete geometric analysis and its application to materials science.
In 1985, Jean-Pierre Serre gave a series of lectures at Harvard about the maximal number of rational points on curves over finite fields. In my talk, I will tell about the motivations to study such problem and, through 3 snapshots, show recent research directions.
In the 20th century the dichotomy between abstract and concrete formulations created a deep dividing gap between pure and applied mathematics. In the 21th century a new unification is emerging. Pure mathematics is transformed by a focus on computable structures and algorithms, and computational mathematics is successfully using abstractions to design qualitatively better algorithms and software. Computational mathematics is becoming a strong unifying force of modern mathematics.
The study of permutations is both ancient and modern. One can view them as the integers 1,2, … , n in some order or as n x n permutation matrices. They can be regarded as data which is to be sorted. The explicit definition of the determinant uses permutations. An inversion of a permutation occurs when a larger integer precedes a smaller integer. Inversions can be used to define two partial orders on permutations, one weaker than the other. Partial orders have a unique minimal completion to a lattice, the Dedekind-MacNeille completion. Generalizations of permutation matrices determine related matrix classes, for instance, alternating sign matrices (ASMs) which arose independently in the mathematics and physics literature. Permutations may contain certain patterns, e.g. three integers in increasing order; avoiding such patterns determines certain permutation classes. Similar restrictions can be placed more generally on (0,1)-matrices.
There are continuous analogs of permutation matrices and alternating sign matrices, and even higher dimension analogs. We shall explore these and other ideas and their connections.
Friday, September 17th 2021 14.00-15.30 (Western Indonesia Time) Professor MOTOKO KOTANI Tohoku University, Japan Director of Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University 2012-2019 Executive Vice President for Research, Tohoku University Executive Member, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation, Cabinet Office, Japan Member, Science Council of Japan Title: Discrete geometric analysis applied to materials science
Awards: 2010 President Education Award of Tohoku University 2006 President Special Prize of Tohoku University 2005 The 25th Saruhashi Prize |
Friday, October 29th 2021 14.00-15.30 (Western Indonesia Time) 14.00-15.30 (Western Indonesia Time) Professor CHRISTOPHE RITZENTHALER Universite de Rennes 1, France Executive Director of CIMPA |
Friday, November 18th 2021 Professor HANS Z. MUNTHE-KAAS University of Bergen, Norway Chair of the International Abel Prize Committee President of the Scientific Council of CIMPA Editor in Chief, Journal Foundations of Computational Mathematics |
Awards: 1995 Carl-Erik Froberg Prize in Numerical analysis 1990 Exxon Mobile research award. |
Friday, December 17th 2021 08.00-09.30 (Western Indonesia Time) Professor RICHARD BRUALDI University of Wisconsin, USA Editor-in-Chief, Linear Algebra and Its Applications Editor-in-Chief, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Editor-in-Chief, Discrete Math Letters |
Awards: 2000 Euler Medal 2006 Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra 2012 Fellow, Society for Industrial and Applied Math. 2012 Inaugural Fellow, American Math Soc. |