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Mathematics Seminar A JOURNEY INTO THE EFFECTS OF ASKING: INSIGHTFUL QUESTIONS Prof. Mohamed Amine Khamsi Professor of Mathematics, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE Date & Time : 15 Agustus 2023, 1pm, Jakarta Time (GMT+7), Venue : Study Hall 5th Floor CAS Building, ITB Kampus Ganesha Zoom Meeting Link : https://itb-ac-id.zoom.us/j/94529049476?pwd=VTRBZitYaExTQ1gzVURGZG9wR3dPZz09 Zoom […]


Organized by Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group, FMIPA ITB This series aims to discuss the latest developments and advances in the field of combinatorics and graph theory, presented by world–renowned researchers. This series is organized by the Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Students, lecturers and researchers in […]

Mathematics Distinguished Lecture Series

Institut Teknologi Bandung We aim to bring prominent mathematicians exploring the role of mathematics from various fields, in an intriguing style. The online lectures address quite broad audience, from mathematics students (advanced undergraduate to graduate ones), as well as mathematicians in Indonesia, and our neighboring countries, or even beyond our region. With this lecture series […]


  This series aims to discuss the latest developments and advances in the field of combinatorics and graph theory, presented by world–renowned researchers. This series is organized fortnightly by the Combinatorial Mathematics Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Students, lecturers and researchers in the fields of combinatorics, mathematics in […]

IMC 2021 Results

International Mathematics Competition for University Students 2021 Congratulation to Participant from ITB Hopein Christofen Tang – 1st prize M. Alif Aqsha – 1st prize Aditya Dwianto – 2nd prize Reynald Saputra – 2nd prize Garry Kuwanto – HM Source : https://www.imc-math.org.uk/?act=results https://www.imc-math.org.uk/?act=teams    

Introduction to Network Optimisation with Python

For all workshop participants, the link to the meeting is provided below: Zoom Meeting August 11, 2021, and Virtual Background We will use Google Colab to code pyhton. Here a short Tutorial on Google Colab We will also give the workshop material here. Thanks Industrial and Financial Mathematics will be held a workshop in Auguts […]

Fellowships for ASEAN Students

The Graduate Programs in Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offer 14 fellowships for Master’s in Mathematics, 10 fellowships for Master’s in Actuarial Sciences, and  10 fellowships for Doctorate in Mathematics for early-stage researchers of Southeast Asian nasionalities. The Graduate Programs in Mathematics ITB are recognized as Emerging Regional Center of Exellence (ERCE) […]

The Tenth International Conference and Workshop on High Dimensional Data Analysis (ICW-HDDA-X) 2020

In 13-14 October 2020, Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science ITB will held workshop on “Gaussian Copula processes on time series data” by Dr. Sapto Wahyu Indratno and “Islamic Mathematical Finance” by Dr. Novriana Sumarti. These workshop activities are related to The Tenth International Conference and Workshop on High Dimensional Data Analysis (ICW-HDDA-X) 2020. For […]

SUMMER SCHOOL 2020 : Combinatorial Design and Data Sciences

SUMMER SCHOOL 2020 : Combinatorial Design and Data Sciences September 7 – 11, 2020 The summer school is aimed to learn the mathematics and computational skills that related to perform data science. To reach our goal, we hold an online course program which support the knowledge of data science, such as combinatorial designs, machine learning, social […]


Pada tanggal 8-10 Desember 2020, USM mengadakan konferensi internasional MathTech2020 dengan FMIPA ITB untuk menjadi cohost. Dengan adanya kerjasama ini, maka terdapat pembiayaan dari FMIPA untuk mahasiswa Program Studi S1, S2, S3 Matematika, S2 Pengajaran Matematika, S1, S2 Aktuaria yang terpilih, sebagai presenter. Klik di sini untuk mendaftar / informasi lebih lanjut: https://bit.ly/DaftarMathTech2020