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Workshop Pengenalan Data Science Menggunakan Python

Program PPMI KK Matematika Industri dan Keuangan FMIPA ITB mempersembahkan Workshop Pengenalan Data Sains dengan menggunakan Python – Seri 1 “Pengenalan Python dan Data”. Workshop dasar ini diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang ingin mulai belajar Data Sains menggunakan Python. Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 2 Oktober 2021 Pukul: 09.00 – 12.00 WIB. Registrasi: https://bit.ly/PDSPython Narahubung: Yanuar 0859 1069 78949 […]

Graduate Studies in Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences FMIPA ITB

The Graduate Programs in Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), offer 14 fellowships for Master’s in Mathematics, 10 fellowships for Master’s in Actuarial Sciences, and 10 fellowships for Doctorate in Mathematics for _early-stage researchers of Southeast Asian nationalities_. A webinar to explore research topics in Mathematics and Actuarial […]

Mathematics Distinguished Lecture Series

Institut Teknologi Bandung We aim to bring prominent mathematicians exploring the role of mathematics from various fields, in an intriguing style. The online lectures address quite broad audience, from mathematics students (advanced undergraduate to graduate ones), as well as mathematicians in Indonesia, and our neighboring countries, or even beyond our region. With this lecture series […]