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Analysis and Geometry

Mathematical Analysis can sometimes be described as studies of spaces of mathematical objects based on the notion of “nearness”, or metric in particular. More popularly, it includes theory of Calculus (limit, differentiation, integration, measure) and its generalization. At ITB, Analysis & Geometry Research Division put emphasis towards the applied side of Mathematical Analysis, without leaving the fundamentals behind. Some recent research includes analysis in n-normed spaces, fractional integral operators, analysis in seismic, energy in diffusive equations, impulsive delay equations, Hamiltonian systems. Thematic workshop WIDE (Workshop on Integral and Differential Equations) and undergraduate student math competition MaG-D (Mathematical Analysis and Geometry Day) are organized and held annually by the Analysis & Geometry Research Division since 2006. It has since attracted participants nationally.

Mathematical Analysis & Geometry Day (MaG-D) XIV

  Kelompok Keahlian Analisis dan Geometri Matematika FMIPA ITB mempersembahkan : Lomba Pemecahan Masalah Analisis dan Geometri (MaG-D XIV 2023) Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan melalui link : bit.ly/daftarMaG-D2023 ; paling lambat Senin, 10 April 2023 Biaya Pendaftaran : Rp 250.000,00/Tim via Transfer ke : Bank CIMB Niaga No. Rekening 890100108119 a.n Janny Lindiarni Salimsyah Bukti transfer […]

Workshop on Integral and Differential Equations (WIDE) XII 2021

Teori Littlewood-Paley dan Aplikasinya dalam Persamaan Panas 13-14 Agustus 2021   Kelompok Keahlian Analisis dan Geometri FMIPA ITB akan menyelenggarakan Workshop on Integral and Differential Equations (WIDE) XII 2021 secara virtual pada tanggal 13 dan 14 Agustus 2021. Topik WIDE 2021 adalah Teori Littlewood-Paley dan Aplikasinya dalam Persamaan Panas.   Pembicara: Denny Ivanal Hakim, Ph.D. […]

Mid Year School on Analysis, Geometry, and Applications 2021 (MYSAGA 2021)

Bandung Institute of Technology August 11-13, 2021   The Mid Year School on Analysis, Geometry, and Applications, abbreviated MYSAGA, is a recent initiative from Analysis and Geometry Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The school is held for master and doctoral students in mathematics, but newly graduated mathematics doctors are also welcome. The lectures […]


The Mid Year School on Analysis, Geometry, and Applications, abbreviated MYSAGA, is a recent initiative from Analysis and Geometry Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The school is held for master and doctoral students in mathematics, but newly graduated mathematics doctors are also welcome. The lectures will be delivered by three experts in the […]

Mid Year School on Analysis, Geometry, and Applications (MYSAGA)

The Mid Year School on Analysis, Geometry and Applications was held by Analysis and Geometry Research Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on August 13-17, 2018 at Institut Teknologi Bandung. The lectures was delivered by three experts, Prof. Giuseppe Di Fazio (University of Catania, Italy), Prof. Yoshihiro Sawano (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan) and Dr. […]

Mid Year School on Analysis, Geometry, and Applications 2018 (MYSAGA 2018)

In 13-17 August 2018, there will be Mid Year School on Analysis, Geometry, and Applications 2018 with title “Morrey Spaces and Related Topics”, that will be held at ITB. There will be further information on the school. Here is the tentative schedule. Update: Further information on this school can be found at http://personal.fmipa.itb.ac.id/hgunawan/mysaga-2018/