18~19 Jan 2018: Two Days Workshop on Groups and Graphs
The Workshop on Groups and Graphs was held by Algebra Research Group on January 18th-19th, 2018 at Institut Teknologi Bandung. This material was presented by Professor Ahmad Erfanian from Department of Pure Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Professor Ahmad Erfanian is an expert in group theory and also algebraic graph. At least 450 researchers have cited his papers as shown in Google Scholar. The most cited is “On the relative commutativity degree of a subgroup of a finite group”.
Finding the relationship between the algebraic structure using properties of graphs associated to them has become an interesting topic in the last years. Indeed, it is worthwhile to relate algebraic properties of these algebraic concepts to the combinatorial properties of their assigned graphs. In this workshop, Professor Erfanian will focus on graphs associated to groups. First, a brief background on graph theory and group theory will be stated and then some important algebraic graphs associated to groups will be introduced. Moreover, some recent researches on these kinds of algebraic graphs and some open problems and conjectures will be stated.
Schedule detail can be seen here.
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