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Publication since 2005

Publication since 2005

International Journal 

  1. P. Astuti and H. Wimmer, Characteristic invariant subspaces generated by a single vector, Linear Algebra and Applications, vol 470 (2015) 81-103. 
  2. P. Astuti and H.Wimmer, Characteristic subspaces and hyperinvariant frames,  Linear Algebra and Applications, 482(2015), pp. 21-46. 
  3. P. Astuti and H.Wimmer, Hyperinvariant subspaces of locally nilpotent linear transformations,  Linear Algebra and Applications, 486 (2015), pp. 469-474 
  4. A. Barra and H. Gluesing-Luerssen, MacWilliams Extension Theorem and The Local Global Property for Codes over Frobenius Rings, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol 219 No 4 (2015) 703-728. 
  5. Darmajid and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, The Properties of Variety of Polydules as Affine Algebraic Scheme, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, vol 53 No 4 (2015) 110-115. 
  6. E. Suwastika, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, H.Garminia, Irawati, Ore Extension over Generalized Asano Prime Rings, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics vol 53 No 4 (2015) 116-124. 
  7. T. Maryati, E.T.  Baskoro, A.N.M. Salman,  and Irawati, On the path-(super)magicness of a cycle with some pendants,  Util. Math. 96 (2015), pp. 319–330. 
  8. B. Erfianto, R.T. Bambang, H.Hindersah, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Convergence analysis of cooperative Q-learning using discrete time Lyapunov approach, ICIC Express Letter, vol 9 Issue 12 (2015) 3153 
  9. F. Fran and Irawati, The condition for a genetic algebra to be a special train algebra, Journal of Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology Vol 2 Issue 6 (2015) 1496-150 
  10. B. Rahardjo, Kuspriyanto, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, M. Paryasto, Information Concealment Through Noise Addition, Procedia Computer Science Vol 74 (2015) 178-180 
  11. P. Astuti, H. K. Wimmer, Linear Transformations with Characteristic Subspaces which are not Hyperinvariant, Operator and Matrices vol 8  Number 3 (2014), 725-745.
  12. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, T. Ardiansyah, S.S. Carita, Pollard Rho Algorithm for Elliptic Curves over GF(2n) with Negation and Frobenius Map, Advanced Science Letters 20(2014), 340-343. 
  13. Irwansyah, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A. Muchlis, A. Barra, Self-Dual Normal Basis of a  Galois Ring, Journal of Mathematics vol 2014 (2014) doi: 10.1155/2014/258187
  14. Faisal, Irawati, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Auslander-Reiten Quiver of Nakayama Algebra type Dynkin Graph An, Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences, Vol 45 No.1, 1-16, 2013 
  15. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah and F. Yuliawan, Basis Conversion in Composite Fields,  International Journal of Mathematics and Computations, Vol 19 Issue 2, 11-17, 2013 
  16. M. A. Misri, Irawati and H. Garminia, Generalization of Bezout Modules, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences Vol 72 Issue 1, 131-133, 2013 
  17. S. Sylviani, H. Garminia, P. Astuti, Behavior for time invariant finite dimensional discrete linear systems, Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences Vol 45 No 1, 38-52, 2013. 
  18. P. Astuti, Riesz representation theorem on generalized n-inner product spaces, International Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Volume 7, Issue 17-20, 2013, Pages 873-882. 
  19. P. Astuti, H.K. Wimmer, Characteristic and hyperinvariant subspaces over the field GF(2), Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Volume 438, Issue 4, 15 February 2013, Pages 1551-1563 
  20. Darmajid, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Open Condition on Variety of Complexes, East West Journal of Mathematics Vol 15 No 1, 37-42, 2013 
  21. H. Marubayashi, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A. Ueda, Skew polynomial rings which are generalized Asano prime rings, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol 12 Issue 7, 2013 
  22. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, T. Ardiansyah, S.S. Carita, Pollard Rho Algorithm for Elliptic Curves over GF(2n) with Negation Map, Frobenius Map and Normal Basis, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Special Volume, Issue IV, 385-402, 2013 
  23. M.Astuti, A.N.M.Salman, H.Garminia and Irawati, The Properties of Some Coefficients of the Characteristics and the Laplacian Polynomial of a Hypergraph, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, Vol 7 no 21 (2012), 1029-1035. 
  24. M.Astuti, H.Garminia, A.N.M.Salman and Irawati, Integral Complete r-Uniform Hypergraph and Sunflower Hypergraph, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences Vol 65 Issue 1 (2012) 87-96. 
  25. M.A. Misri, Irawati, H.Garminia, Cyclic and multiplication p-Bezout modules, International Journal of Algebra, Vol 6 no 23 (2012) 1117-1120 
  26. T.W. Purboyo, B. Rahardjo, Kuspriyanto and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A New Metric for Predicting Network Security Level, Journal of Global Research in Computer Sciences, Vol 3 no 3 (2012) 68-72. 
  27. M. Paryasto, B. Rahardjo, F. Yuliawan. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Kuspriyanto, Composite Field Multiplier based on Look-Up Table for Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation, ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology, Vol 6C No 1 (2012) 63-81. 
  28. Darmajid, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Irawati, The Degenerations for Modules and Dual Modules, JP Journal of Algebra Number Theory and Applications Vol 26 Issue 1 (2012), 65-73. 
  29. A. P.Santika and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, The p-regular subspaces of symmetric Nakayama algebras and algebras of dihedral and semidihedral type,  JP Journal of Algebra Number Theory and Applications vol 27 Number 2 (2012), 131-142. 
  30. H.Garminia, G. Rahmaputri, P.Astuti, On closed submodules of a finite rank free module over a compete DVR,  JP Journal of Algebra Number Theory and Applications vol 27 Number 2 (2012), 169-179. 
  31. A.K.Amir, P.Astuti, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Irawati, On Maximal Orders and Factor Rings of OreExtension over a Commutative Dedekind Domain, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 55, Issue 1, 21-30, 2011. 
  32. A.K.Amir, H. Marubayashi, P.Astuti, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Corrigendum to minimal prime ideals of Ore extension over a commutative Dedekind domain and its application, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, Vol 21 Issue 1, 41-44, 2011. 
  33. H. Garminia, P.Astuti, Irawati, A note on Dedekind modules, International Journal of Algebra vol 5 no 10, 491-498, 2011 
  34. Irawati, The generalization of HNP ring and finitely generated modules over HNP ring, International Journal of Algebra vol 5 no 13, 611-626, 2011. 
  35. Irawati and T.W.Purboyo, Developing Computer Program for Computing Eigenpairs of 2 x 2 Matrices and 3 x 3 Upper Triangular Matrices Using The Simple Algorithm, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol 56 Issue 2, 185-200, 2011. 
  36. T.K.Maryati, E.T.Baskoro, A.N.M.Salman, Irawati, On the path (super)magicness of some cycles with some pendants, accepted. 
  37. E.Suwastika, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Irawati, Polynomials over G-Dedekind Prime Rings, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol 58 Issue 2, 173-178, 2011 
  38. I.Muchtadi Alamsyah, F.Yuliawan, A.Muchlis, Constructing Twisted Anomalous Elliptic Curves, International Journal Basic and Applied Sciences, IJBAS/IJENS vol 10 Issue 06.  
  39. A.K.Amir,P.Astuti, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah,MinimalPrime Ideal of Ore over Commutative Dedekind Domains, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, vol.16 no.2 (2010) 101-107. 
  40. I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, H.Garminia, Quiver of Bound Path Algebras and Bound Path Coalgebras, ITB J. Sci. Vol. 42 A, No. 2, 2010, 153-162 
  41. P.Astuti and H.K. Wimmer, Hyperinvariant, Characteristic and Marked Subspaces, Operators and Matrices (OaM), 3(20), 261-270, 2009  
  42. M.Astuti, Irawati, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A.Muchlis, A.Akbar, Using the Algebra of Hypergraphs for the Reconstruction of Phylogenetic Trees, International Journal of Tomography and Statistics vol 12 no F09 (2009) 105-110.  
  43. Irawati, Finite Length Modules over HNPs, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 38, Issue 3, Desember 2009  
  44. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, I., “Braid action on derived category of Nakayama algebras,” Communication in Algebra vol 36 issue 7, 2008, 2544-2569.  
  45. Garminia H , Astuti P and Irawati, “An intertwining of a hereditary algebra and a cohereditary coalgebra,” Journal of Fundamental Sciences 4, 261-267, 2008.  
  46. Irawati, “Uniserial Matrices.” International Math. Forum, 3(29), 2008, 1401-1407.  
  47. Djauhari, M.A., “A Multivariate Process Variability Monitoring Approach in Computer Intrusion Detection”, Journal Communication in Statistics; Theory and Method, 37 (11), pp. 1742-1754 2008, Canada, co-authored by Mashuri M., and Herwindiati D.E.  
  48. Djauhari, M.A. “A robust estimation of location and scatter” Invited paper for Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 (1), pp. 1-24 2008.  
  49. Djauhari, M.A, “A measure of multivariate data concentration” Journal of Probability and Applied Statistics, Nov. 2007, USA.  
  50. Djauhari, M.A, “A Redefinition of Mahalanobis Depth Function” Journal of Fundamental Sciences Vol. 3, No. 1, 2007, co-authored by Rian F. Umbara.  
  51. Djauhari, M.A. “Robust Multivariate Outlier Labeling”. Journal Communication in Statistics – Computation and Simulation, Canada, Vol. 36., Issue 6, 2007, co-author of Herwindiati D.E., and Mashuri M.  
  52. Astuti, P. and Wimmer,H.K., Regular submodules of torsion modules over a discrete valuation domains, Czechoslovak Math. Journal,v56, 2006, 349-357.  
  53. Astuti, P. and Wimmer,H.K., A Class of Marked Invariant Subspaces and Its Applications to Algebraic Riccati Equations, Automatica , 42(9), 2006, 1503-1506.  
  54. Djauhari, M.A. (2005) “Improved Monitoring of Multivariate Process Variability”. Journal of Quality Technology American Society for Quality, 37(1), p. 32 – 39.  
  55. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, I. (2005). Homomorphisms of complexes via homologies, Journal of Algebra 294 (2005) 321-345.  


Proceeding International Conference 

  1. R.K. Aziz, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Braid group representation on quantum computation, AIP Conf Proceeding 1677, 2015, 030011 
  2. Wienardo, F.Yuliawan, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, B.Rahardjo, Implementation of Pollard Rho attack on elliptic curve cryptography over binary fields, AIP Conf Proceeding1677, 2015, 030018 
  3. M.Maulana, W.F.Senjaya, B.Rahardjo, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, M.W.Paryasto, Implementation of Finite Field Arithmetic Operations for Polynomial and Normal Basis Representations, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology, 2015. 
  4. Irwansyah, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A.Barra, A.Muchlis, D.Suprijanto, Construction of Theta-Cyclic Codes over an Algebra of Order 4, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology, 2015. 
  5. A.Alamsyah, Y.Peranginangin, B.Rahardjo, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Kuspriyanto, Reducing Computational Complexity of Network Analysis using Graph Compression Method for Brand Awareness Effort, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology, 2015. 
  6. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Degenerations for module variety by U-exact sequence, Proceeding 7th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics, 238-240
  7. Y. Prakasa, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A survey on application of representation theory to molecular vibration,  AIP Conf Proceeding 1589 (2014) 440
  8. B. Rahardjo, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, M. Paryasto, Noise Based Stego ECC, EPJ Web of Conferences 68 (2014) 00013 
  9. Irwansyah, A. Muchlis, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, D. Suprijanto, A. Barra, Construction of weakly self dual normal basis and its application in orthogonal transform encoding cyclic codes, EPJ Web of Conferences 68 (2014) 00040 
  10. A.A. Siharis, M.N.Heriawan, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Optimizing Resource Model of Laterite Nickel Deposit using Unfolding Technique, Proceeding of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2014. 
  11. Faisal and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, On Cyclic Nakayama m-Cluster Tilted Algebras of Type An, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematical Research, Education and Applications, Ho Chi Minh City, 2013, 119-127. 
  12. E. Suwastika and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Generalized Dedekind Modules, Proceeding 3rd Basic Science International Conference 2013, Brawijaya University, Malang April 2013. 
  13. B. Rahardjo, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, M. Paryasto, Noise Based Stego ECC, Proceeding International Conference on Advance Science and Contemporary Engineering, Binus University, Oktober 2013 
  14. Irwansyah, A. Muchlis, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, D. Suprijanto, A. Barra, Construction of Weakly Self Dual Normal Basis and Its Application in Orthogonal Transform Encoding Cyclic Codes, Proceeding International Conference on Advance Science and Contemporary Engineering, Binus University, Oktober 2013 
  15. Darmajid, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah and Irawati, Polydule varieties over finite dimensional algebras, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications, 2012, PM5. 
  16. Irwansyah, A. Muchlis, D. Suprijanto and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, On almost weakly self-dual normal bases, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications, 2012, PM9. 
  17. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Pollard Rho Algorithm for Elliptic Curves over Composite Fields, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications, 2012, PM10. 
  18. I. M. Maris, D. Kariman, Risnawita and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A Note on the Dual of Some Special Biserial Algebras, in Advances in Algebraic Structures, World Scientific, 2012, 414-417. 
  19. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, F. Yuliawan and A. Muchlis, Finite Field Basis Conversion and Normal Basis in Characteristic Three,  in Advances in Algebraic Structures, World Scientific, 2012, 439-447. 
  20. Darmajid and I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, The Geometric Representation of Semisimple Module, Proceeding 2nd Basic Sciences International Conference 2012, M1-M4. 
  21. Paryasto, B.Rahardjo, F.Yuliawan, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Kuspriyanto, Composite Field Multiplier Based on Look-up Table for Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation, Proceeding International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol 2, 890-893, 2011. 
  22. Faisal and Darmajid, Linear Representation of Dual Right Module, Proceeding Third International Conference and Workshops on Basic and Applied Sciences (3rd ICOWOBAS ), September 2011. 
  23. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Research on Nakayama Algebras, Proceeding SEAMS GMU International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, 2011 (Invited Speaker) 
  24. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Algebraic Structures in Cryptography, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics and Sciences, 2011 (Keynote Speaker) 
  25. A.Alamsyah,I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah On RijndaelCryptography using Basis Conversion, Proceeding Conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010, June 2010, Putrajaya Malaysia, pp.333-340. 
  26. I.Muchtadi Alamsyah, H.Garminia, Quiver of Path Algebras and Path Coalgebras, Proceeding IndoMS International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, 2009.  
  27. M.R.Helmi, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Polynomial over Dedekind domains, Proceeding IndoMS International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications, 2009.  
  28. I. Muchtadi Alamsyah, M. W. Paryasto and M.H.Khusyairi, Finite Field Basis Conversion, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications, Bukittinggi, June 2009.  
  29.  G. Elfiyanti, Irawati, Structure of Incidence Algebras of Locally Finite Partially Ordered Set, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications, Bukittinggi, June 2009.  
  30.  M.Astuti, Irawati, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A.Muchlis, A.Akbar, M.A. Halim, A new directed hypergraph distance and its applications, Proceeding International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Their Applications, Bukittinggi, June 2009.  
  31. A.Muchlis, M.H.Khusyairi, F.Yuliawan, Storage-Efficient Finite Field Basis Conversion via Efficient Multiplication, International Symposium on Computational Sciences, Bali 2009.
  32.  I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah,  M.W. Paryasto and M.H. Khusyairi, Finite Field Basis Conversion and Its Implementation, International Symposium on Computational Sciences, Bali, October 2009  
  33.  I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, A.Muchlis and F.Yuliawan, Elliptic Curve Weak Class Identification for the Security of Cryptosystem, Conference on Non Commutative Rings and Their Applications, Lens, France, July 2009.  
  34.  Irawati, Endomorphism Ring of a Uniserial module, Conference on Non Commutative Rings and Their Applications, Lens, France, July 2009.  
  35.  Irawati, Finite Length Modules over HNPs, International Conference on Algebra and Geometry, Phuket, Thailand, 2009.  
  36. Amir,A.K.***, Astuti,P., Muchtadi-Alamsyah,I., “Around Prime and Maximal Ideals of Skew Polynomial Ring over Dedekind domain”, Third International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Bogor, August 2008, 169-172.  
  37. Muchtadi-Alamsyah,I., “Dubrovin Valution Ring of Skew Polynomial Rings,” Third International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Bogor, August 2008,435-437.  
  38. Astuti,M.**, Irawati, Muchtadi-Alamsyah,I., Muchlis,A., Halim,M., Akbar,A.,“Using Algebra of Hypergraph For Reconstructing The Phylogenetic Tree”, Third International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Bogor, August 2008, 366-373.  
  39. Carnia,E., Wahyuni,S., Irawati and Setiadji, “THE GENERALIZATION OF INCIDENCE ALGEBRA”, Third International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Bogor, August 2008, 238-241.  
  40. Ali,H.H., Djauhari,M.A., and Yahaya,S.S., On The Distribution of FMCD-Based Robust Mahalanobis Distance, The 3rd International Conf on Maths and Statistics, Bogor, 5-6 August 2008, 587-594.  
  41. Herdiani,E.T., and Djauhari,M.A., Testing structure correlation of global market by Statistic VVSV, The 3rd International Conf on Maths and Statistics, Bogor, 5-6 August 2008, 961-966.  
  42. Suprapto, Wahyuni,S., Wijayanti,I.E., and Irawati, Generalization of R-linear Independent, The 3rd International Conf on Maths and Statistics, Bogor, 5-6 August 2008, 287-290.  
  43. Muchtadi-Alamsyah,I., Muchlis,A.,Elliptic Curves Cryptosystem via Totally Non-Maximal Imaginary Quadratic Orders, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung, 28-30 October 2008  
  44. Astuti,P., Garnadi,A., On the Singular Values Decomposition of Simply Perturbed Pairwise Comparison Matrices, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung, 28-30 October 2008
  45. Astuti,M.**, Irawati, The Application of Algebraic Hypergraph and Neighbor Joining Algorithm in Reconstruction Phylogenetic Tree, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung, 28-30 October 2008  
  46. Waluyo, Pakpahan, P.M., Suwarno, Djauhari, M.A.,  Investigation of comparison on porcelain and epoxy resin insulator conditions from a coastal area due to various parameters ,Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference , art. no. 4651617  
  47. Pakpahan, P.M., Waluyo, Suwarno, Djauhari, M.A., Multivariate analysis for investigation of outdoor insulator conditions,  Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis, CMD 2008 , art. no. 4580368, pp. 642-645.  
  48. T.K.Maryati, E.T.Baskoro, A.N.M.Salman, Irawati, The super magicness of a disjoint union of isomorphism connected graphs, Proc 4th IMT-GT Intl Conf on Math Stat and Appl, vol 3, 1-5.  
  49. Djauhari, M.A, “Hermeneutics in Mathematics” Proceedings of the Second Joint Conference Indonesia-Malaysia on Mathematics, Statistics and Related Areas, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, January 2007.  
  50. Irawati, On HNP Ring and PID with its module, International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, SEAMS-GMU, Yogyakarta, 24-27 July 2007.  
  51. Carnia, E.***, Wahyuni,S., Irawati, Setiadji, Functor From the Category of Posets to the Category of Algebras, International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, SEAMS-GMU, Yogyakarta, 24-27 July 2007  
  52. Garminia,H., Astuti,P., Irawati, An Intertwining of a Hereditary Algebra and a Cohereditary Coalgebra, International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, SEAMS-GMU, Yogyakarta, 24-27 July 2007  
  53. Nasution,D.**, Garminia,H., dan Astuti,P., Stacked submodules of finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains, ICE-EM Graduate School in Mathematics, the University of Queensland, Australia, July 2007.  
  54. Djauhari, M.A., “Is Generalized Variance a Good Measure of Multivariate Dispersion?”Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Moslem Statisticians and Mathematicians Society of South East Asia, Bandung, June 2006.  
  55. Djauhari, M.A., “On Mahalanobis Depth Function” Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB, November 2006, co-authored by Umbara, R.F  
  56. Djauhari, M.A., “An outlier detection method in mixture model of two components” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, MSMSSEA, June 19-21, 2006, co-author of Umbara, R.F.  
  57. Djauhari, M.A., “A multivariate generalization of moving range chart” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, MSMSSEA, June 19-21, 2006, co-author of Mashuri, M.  
  58. Djauhari, M.A., “An approximation of the distribution of quadratic form” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, MSMSSEA, June 19-21, 2006, co-author of Nurzanah, E.  
  59. Irawati, Around the Structure of an M-HNP Module M, 14th Ramanujan Symposium, International Conference on Non Commutative Rings, Group Rings, Diagram Algebras and Applications, Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, University of Madras, Chennai, India, 2006.  
  60. Garminia H, Astuti P, Irawati, The Characterization of Cohereditary Comodule, The first International Conference of Mathematics and Statistics, UNISBA, Bandung, 2006.  
  61. Garminia H, Astuti P, Irawati, On the Cohereditary Comodules, 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications, USM, Penang, Malaysia, 2006.  
  62. Irawati, A Characterization of an HNP Ring,  Proceedings of Joint Seminar Indonesia Malaysia On Mathematics,  Statistics and Related Areas, Bandung, 7 October 2006, 1-3.  
  63. Muchtadi-Alamsyah,I. (2005). Algebras and quivers, an introduction, Proceeding ISSM 2005, Paris, France.  
  64. Djauhari, M.A., “On Outlier Detection: Some Challenging Problems for Future Research”.
    Proceedings of the Eighth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Dec. 19 – 22, 2005.  
  65. Djauhari, M.A., “Outlier Labeling Using Minimum Vector Variance”. Proceedings of the Eighth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, National University of
    Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Dec. 19 – 22, 2005, co-author Herwindiati, D.E.  
  66. Djauhari, M.A., “Multivariate Variability Control Chart”. Proceedings of the Eighth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, National University of Computer
    and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Dec. 19 – 22, 2005, co-author Mashuri, M.  
  67. Djauhari, M.A., “Outlier Detection: Some Challenging Problem for Future Research”.
    Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Research and Education of Mathematics, University of Putra Malaysia, May 2005.  
  68. Djauhari, M.A., “Outlier Labeling using Wilks’s Criteria and Minimum Covariance Determinant” Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Education on
    Mathematics. Institute for Mathematical Research, University of Putra Malaysia, May 2005, co-author Herwindiati, D.E.  
  69. Djauhari, M.A., “A New Notion of Best Compromise and Its Application for Interpreting
    Graphically an Out-of-Control Signal in Multivariate Process Variability Monitoring” Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Education on Mathematics. Institute for Mathematical Research, University of Putra Malaysia, May 2005, co-author Mashuri, M.  

National Journal 

  1. I.G.A.W.Wardhana, P. Astuti, Karakteristik Submodul Prima Lemah dan Hampir Prima pada Z-modul Zn, Jurnal Matematika dan Sains vol 19 No 1 (2014), 16-20. 
  2. Faisal, Irawati, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Auslander-Reiten Quiver of Nakayama Algebra Nn-2,n, Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol 18 No 1, 11-17, 2013 
  3. A.P.Santika, Grup Defect pada Grup PSL(2,3) dan PSL(2,5), Jurnal Matematika dan Sains ITB, 19-21, 2012. 
  4. M.ParyastoB.RahardjoI.Muchtadi-AlamsyahKuspriyanto, Implementasi Composite Field pada Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer Vol.7 No.2, 159-162, 2011.
  5. H.Garminia, P.Astuti, M.Hafiyusholeh, Pengaruh Gangguan pada Perubahan Prioritas dan Indeks Konsistensi Matriks Perbandingan Berpasangan dalam Analytical Hierarchy Process, Jurnal Matematika Sains Vol.15 No.3, 143-147, 2010. 
  6. M.Paryasto, B.Rahardjo, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, M.H.Khusyairi, Implementation of Polynomial Basis – Optimal Normal Basis I Basis Conversion,Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Komputer, Vol.1 no.2, 148-160, 2010. 
  7. P.Astuti dan A.D.Garnadi, On Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Perturbed Pairwise Comparison Matrices, ITB Journal of Sciences, 41A(2), 69-77,2009.  
  8. H.Garminia, P.Astuti dan Irawati, Struktur modul hasil bagi dari modul Dedekind, Jurnal Matematika dan Sains 13(4), 114-117, 2008.  
  9. Djauhari, M.A., Statistik: Salah satu indikator utama peradaban. Jurnal Sosio-Teknologi, April 2007.  
  10. Djauhari, M.A., ”Ketidakpastian itu Mahal” Journal Socio-Technology, August 2007.  
  11. Amir,A.K.,*** dan Astuti,P., Pembuktian Isomorfisma Malgrange Menggunakan Sifat sifat Dasar Aljabar, Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya, 23(2), 2007, 115 – 121.  
  12. Garminia H , Astuti P and Irawati, “Properties of Cohereditary Comodule”, J.of Math and Science, vol 12(2), 2007.  
  13. Djauhari, M.A., “Pendidikan untuk apa?” Jurnal Sosio-Teknologi, Desember 2006.  
  14. Garminia, H., Astuti,P. Karakterisasi Modul $\sigma[M]$-koherediter, J. Indones. Math. Soc., v12(2), 2006, 225-231.  
  15. Djauhari, M.A. (2005). “New Technology in Multivariate Process Variability Monitoring”. Journal of Indonesian Mathematics Society, Vol. 11, Supplement.  

Proceeding National Conference 

  1. I.Nisfulaila, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Representasi Grup Simetri via Tablo Young, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aljabar 2014, 106. 
  2. Nopendri, F.Yuliawan, Algoritma Perluasan Euclid pada Lapangan Komposit GF((pn)m), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aljabar 2012, 130-135. 
  3. E. Kusniyanti, H. Garminia, P.Astuti, Suatu Sifat dari Gelanggang Prima Dedekind, Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Matematika 2012. 
  4. S.E. Irwan, H. Garminia, P.Astuti, Sekitar Submodul Prima dan Submodul Maksimal atas Gelanggang Komutatif. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika UNS 2012. 
  5. Faisal, Auslander-Reiten Quiver, Prosiding Seminar Nasional HPA, UNPAD 2011. 
  6. Astuti,Irawati, H. Garminia, dan A.M.N. Salman  (2010) : Study on Eigenvalues of Sunflower Hypergraphs, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITB, Bandung. 
  7. M. Astuti, Irawati, H. Garminia, dan A.M.N. Salman  (2010) : A New Class of Integral Hypergraphs, Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, ITB, Bandung 
  8. M. Paryasto, B.Rahardjo, I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Kuspriyanto, Rancangan Unit Aritmetika Finite Field Berbasis Composite Field, Prosiding MUNAS Aptikom 2010, pp. 98-102. 
  9. A. Muchlis, M.H. Khusyairi, F. Yuliawan, Konversi Basis Lapangan Hingga Dengan Penyimpanan Efisien, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aljabar UIN Jakarta 2010, pp.31-39. 
  10. A.P. Santika,  Subaljabar Z(Fg) Dari Grup Dengan P-Sylow Subgrup Komutatif, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aljabar, UIN Jakarta 2010, pp. 1-2. 
  11. E. Suwastika, Orde Asano, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aljabar, UIN Jakarta 2010, pp 24-30. 
  12. M.A. Misri, Submodul Prima Pada Modul Perkalian, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Aljabar UIN 2010, 60-61. 
  13. A.K.Amir, P.Astuti, I.Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Pusat Gelanggang Polinom Miring Lengkap atas Daerah Dedekind, Seminar Nasional Matematika UI Unpad 2010 (oral presentation) 
  14. F. Uthiasari, H.Garminia, and  P.Astuti (2010), Jarak antara dua subruang Seminar Nasional Aljabar, UIN, Jakarta (oral presentation) 
  15. M.Astuti, Irawati, H.Garminia, A.M.N.Salman, Some Coefficients of The Characteristic Polynomial and The Laplacian Polynomial of a Hypergraph H(V,E), Seminar Nasional Aljabar UIN Jakarta. (oral presentation) 
  16. I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Quiver sebagairepresentasialjabar, Seminar Nasional Aljabar, Pengajaran, danTerapannya, Jogjakarta, January 2009  
  17. A.K.Amir, P.Astuti, Contoh Ideal Prim P dariGelanggangPolinom Miring yang Membentuk Gelanggang Faktor R/P Menjadi Gelanggang HNP, Seminar Nasional Aljabar, Pengajaran, danTerapannya, Jogjakarta, January 2009  
  18. E.Nurfalah,I. Muchtadi-Alamsyah, Penggunaan kriptografi pada pembelajaran matriks di kelas XII, Seminar Nasional Matematika, Jember, February 2009.  
  19. M.Hafiyusholeh, H.Garminia dan P.Astuti, Pengaruh Gangguan pada Matriks Pairwise Comparison terhadapIndeksKonsistensidalam AHP, Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika, UNESA, Surabaya, Agustus 2009.  
  20. E. Carnia, S. Wahyuni, Irawati, Setiadji, GrupHomologiPada Simplicial Complex, Seminar Nasional Matematika, Jember, February 2009.  
  21. Djauhari,M.A., Seminar Kebangsaan Pengoptimuman Berangka dan Penyelidikan Operasi Ke-2, UTM, Trengganu, Malaysia, Desember 2008 (Invited speaker)  
  22. Irawati, Seminar Kebangsaan Pengoptimuman Berangka dan Penyelidikan Operasi Ke-2, UTM, Trengganu, Malaysia, Desember 2008 (Invited speaker)  
  23. Garminia,H., dan Astuti,P., Order and Dedekind Modules, Seminar Kebangsaan Pengoptimuman Berangka dan Penyelidikan Operasi Ke-2, UTM, Trengganu, Malaysia, Desember 2008  
  24. Amir,A.K.***, Astuti,P., Muchtadi-Alamsyah,I., “Sekitar Ideal Maksimal dari Pusat Gelanggang Suku Banyak Miring Atas Daerah Dedekind“, Konferensi Nasional Matematika XIV, Palembang, Juli 2008, 69-74.  
  25. Carnia,E.***, Wahyuni,S., Irawati, Setiadji, “Turunan pada Aljabar Insidensi”, Seminar Nasional Matematika 2008, Univ. Padjadjaran - Univ. Indonesia, 13 Desember 2008.  
  26. T.K. Maryati, E.T.Baskoro, A.N.M.Salman, Irawati, “H-supermagic labelings of c copies of some graphs”, Proc Sem Nas Mahasiswa S3 Matematika, 485-492.  
  27. Carnia, E.***, Wahyuni,S., Irawati, Setiadji, Aljabar Insidensi, Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Matematika XIII, Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 2006  
  28. Carnia, E.***, Wahyuni,S., Irawati, Setiadji, Tensor produk Homomorfisma dan Fungtor VxW, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika, Statistik dan Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, 2006.  
  29. Carnia, E.***, Wahyuni,S., Irawati, Setiadji, Sifat Kefungtoran pada Aljabar Insidensi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika Mahasiswa S3 se Indonesia, UPI Bandung, 2006.
  30. Garminia,H., Astuti,P., Irawati, Koaljabar Sebagai Dualisasi dari Aljabar atas Gelanggang Komutatif, Seminar Nasional Matematika, Statistika dan Pendidikan Matematika, Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNPAD 2006.  
  31. Garminia,H., Astuti,P., Irawati, Grup Z3 x Z6^2 sebagai Komodul-Z6^2, Seminar Nasional Mahasiswa S3 Matematika se Indonesia, UPI, Bandung, 2006.  
  32. Astuti,P., Keberadaan perluasan homomorfisma modul atas daerah ideal utama, Konferensi nasional Matematika ke 13, UNNES, Semarang, Juli 2006.  
  33. Irawati(2005), Pengangkatan sifat objek di kategori R-Mod pada objek di kategori , Seminar Nasional Aljabar, ITB, Bandung  
  34. W. Kristianti, P. Astuti, Injektif Hull dari Modul Atas Daerah Ideal Utama, Seminar Nasional Aljabar , Bandung, Mei 2005 (oral presentation).  
  35. D. Nasution, H. Garminia, P. Astuti, Submodul Stacked dari Modul Yang Dibangun Secara Hingga Atas Daerah Ideal Utama, Seminar Nasional Aljabar, Bandung, Mei 2005 (oral presentation).  

Publication in Book :  

  1. Muchlis,A. dan Astuti,P., Aljabar I, Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka, 2007  
  2. Budhi, W.S., Irawati, Aljabar II, Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka, Februari 2006   
  3. Muchlis,A., Suryadi,D., Herman,T., dan Amri,S., Maju dengan Olimpiade Matematika, Karya Duta Wahana, 2006.   
  4. A.Muchlis, Indonesia dan Kompetisi Matematika, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2005  

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